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Foreclosure Clean Out in Muncie IN

Foreclosure Clean Out in Muncie IN

How Does a Foreclosure Clean Out in Muncie IN Work?

We start by sending out our two person crews in our 16 cubic yard mini dump trucks. These vehicles are packed to the brim with the proper tools and equipment to adapt to anything your project throws our way. Once we arrive, our certified crew chief will size up the scene and confirm an exact price before they begin. Once the work is complete, a final walkthrough ensures satisfaction in our work! But how much exactly will a foreclosure clean out cost?

But How Much Will This Cost?

Fire Dawgs makes sure to base our pricing on volume; in other words, how much space everything that you have will take up inside of our truck. We start at our minimum of $130, which is for the volume of a fridge. The price increases indefinitely from there, again depending on how much space your items will take up inside of our mini dump truck. The best part? We include all the labor, transportation, and all disposal fees, making it nice, easy, and simple for you! You do not have to lift a finger! But how do we know how much space to bring out, or how much time it will take? This is where our free estimates come into play!

Are You Ready for a Free, In-Person Estimate?

Fire Dawgs Junk Removal is standing by and ready to help you out! Do you want to learn more for yourself? Give us a call at 317-291-3294 today to get a firm, free, no obligation estimate! We can even come out in person and take a look at everything that will be going! Are you unable to give us a call? Contact us online here and we will reach out at a time that is most convenient for you! Do you have pictures or videos that show the full scope of your project? Text them to us at 317-460-1398 and receive a quick and easy electronic estimate.

Fire Dawgs is always showing off our wonderful Dawg Tough Team, and showing how we can transform your spaces! Do you want to see for yourself? Follow Fire Dawgs Junk Removal on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to see the latest with our team! We look forward to serving you, and earning your business, one job at a time!

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