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Dumpster Loading Help Indianapolis

A Picture of Junk Removal Plainfield
Did you purchase a large dumpster to throw out your years worth of junk, only to realize that the job is too big and time consuming to handle yourself? Do you want to get rid of your junk ASAP but don’t know how to go about it? Fire Dawgs Junk Removal can help! We can assist you with dumpster loading help in Indianapolis and quickly help you get rid of your junk! Keep reading to learn more about or dumpster loading help in Indianapolis!

Dumpster Loading Help Indianapolis

How Can Fire Dawgs Help You With Your Dumpster Loading in Indianapolis?

Fire Dawgs Junk Removal can help you with loading your dumpster through our labor only services. For labor only services, we base our pricing on the amount of time that we are requested for labor services. Or in simple terms, how many hours you hire our services for. But what does our labor only service consist of?

Our well-trained, screened, and certified two-person crews are equipped with a 16 cubic yard mini dump truck, packed to the brim with tools and equipment to handle any complexities your dumpster loading might entail. Once on site, our crew chief will confirm the amount of time that you requested our services for. Then, our team will work quickly and efficiently to load your dumpster with the junk that you request us to. Our crew chief will provide you with updates throughout the service as needs be. After we complete our requested service in a timely manner, our crew chief will check in with you to make sure we completed your service to your satisfaction.

Sound like a team that can handle the heavy lifting? You betcha! While we do offer our labor only services, we also have plenty of full junk removal services that can save you both time and money of getting a dumpster in the first place. But what are the benefits for hiring Fire Dawgs for full junk removal services?

What Benefits Does a Junk Removal Service Like Fire Dawgs Provide?

Fire Dawgs can help save you the hassle of renting a dumpster and finding yourself a team to move your junk. Why? Because our team can take of both these with little to no hassle! No ugly dumpster sitting in your driveway for days or weeks! Included in your total cost is all the labor, disposal, and transportation of your items! Meaning you won’t have to lift a finger, except to call us! The best part about our service? We reuse, recycle, or donate over 60% of the items we haul away! Showing that we go the extra mile to sort through your items and make an effort to salvage reusable items for future use! Additionally, you will receive a tax deductible when we donate your items.

Interested in our full list of services? Click here to see what Fire Dawgs can do for YOU! Looking for a discount? Are you a veteran, active military, nurse, teacher, firefighter, EMS, or police officer? You may qualify for our community hero discount. Interested in hiring us for labor only or junk removal services, but don’t know how it will cost? We can help with our free, in person estimate!

Get a Free, in Person Estimate Today!

Our customer service team is standing by and ready to get you set up with a free in person estimate. Give us a call 317-291-3294, and we can walk you through any questions you may have, and schedule you for an appointment. Unable to call for any reason? Contact us online here to find a time that works best for you and we’ll reach out to you at your convenience. Have pictures or videos that you want to send us? Text us at 317-460-1398 to receive a fast and simple electronic estimate.

Be sure to follow Fire Dawgs Junk Removal on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to see our latest projects. We hope to earn your business and provide our award-winning service to help YOU with your dumpster loading in Indianapolis!

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