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Our Most Recycled Items

Dec 14, 2017 | Blog, Frequently Asked Questions

Some of our customers ask about what our most recycled items are. We think that’s a great question! First and foremost, we do our very best to recycle, donate, and reuse many of the items we haul away. We do not just take all the unwanted junk we remove for our customers to the landfill. So, how much do Americans recycle on average?  According to the EPA, in 2013 Americans “generated about 254 million tons of trash and recycled and composted about 87 million tons of this material, equivalent to a 34.3 percent recycling rate.” More on these figures can be found on the EPA’s website. So, do we recycle more or less than you thought we did? Here is more information on our most recycled items at Fire Dawgs.

A List of Our Most Recycled Items

Fire Dawgs Most Recycled Items

At Fire Dawgs, we definitely recycle items on our customers’ behalves, as we’re an eco-friendly company. Furthermore, here is a list of some of our most recycled items.

The items listed above should definitely stay out of landfills. In fact, it’s illegal to dump electronic waste is municipal trash in Indiana. Furthermore, the items above contain chemicals and components that can be detrimental to soil and ground water. Therefore, the heavy appliances and electric items need recycled. These are our top five most recycled items. We are always looking for ways to recycle and donate items for customers. We are also able to donate/recycle 50-60% of the items that we haul away!

Are are interested in learning more about where to recycle in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas? We have some helpful resources for you right here on our website. Additionally, Recycle Indiana shares some helpful recycling information online as well. Here are some helpful articles about recycling.

Information About Recycling in Indianapolis

Call Fire Dawgs for Help with Recycling in Indianapolis

Do you see some things on our most recycled items list that you need help recycling? We are here to help! Just give us a call at 317-291-3294. Or, you can Contact Us online anytime, and schedule a pickup. We are also here to help answer any questions you may have.

Finally, we hope that this information has been helpful to you and your efforts to recycle. Also, we can help with all those larger items that can’t be picked up by municipal recycling programs. We do encourage you to recycle and compost your household waste weekly. Additionally, items like aluminum, newspapers, cardboard, and plastics are commonly recycled items by garbage pickup companies. Also, you can learn about How to Reduce Plastic Waste here.

Be sure to comment below with any questions. Thank you for stopping by our blog, and take care!

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