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Who will haul away remodeling debris?

Who will haul away remodeling debris?

Question: Who will haul away remodeling debris? Answer: That depends. Do you want a company that can provide the labor necessary to load up and haul away remodeling debris OR do you want a company that can provide a dumpster so that you can save a few dollars by...

How Much Does it Cost for Brush Removal?

How Much Does it Cost for Brush Removal?

The answer is that it varies and is dependent upon the amount of brush needing removed. Want some good news? We are able to 100% Recycle natural yard waste and brush so long as it is not mixed in with pre-treated lumber or other non-organic materials. Now, it still...

How to Get Rid of Carpet in Indianapolis

How to Get Rid of Carpet in Indianapolis

How to Get Rid of Carpet in Indianapolis There are a few different ways to get rid of carpet, but the first question to consider may be why it is that you are getting rid of the old carpet in the first place. This is significant because it can determine how quickly...

Who can pick up used furniture?

Who can pick up used furniture?

Answer: Great questions and there are a variety of different answers. Some charitable organizations will pickup used furniture, but they want you to get the item to a certain location within the house so they don’t have to do too much work. This isn’t because they’re...

Does Fire Dawgs Donate Used Furniture?

Does Fire Dawgs Donate Used Furniture?

Question: Does Fire Dawgs donate used furniture? This is a question that we get asked a lot. So we've created a blog to answer your question! Keep reading to learn if Fire Dawgs donates used furniture! Does Fire Dawgs Donate Used Furniture? Answer: YES! Not only do we...

How Big Are Junk Removal Trucks?

How Big Are Junk Removal Trucks?

Have you ever wondered "how big are junk removal trucks?" Well wonder no more! As Fire Dawgs Junk Removal has put together a blog to help this question! Keep reading to find out how big are junk removal trucks! How Big Are Junk Removal Trucks? Question: How big are...

Do You Provide Play Set Removal Services?

Do You Provide Play Set Removal Services?

Question: Can you tear down and remove play sets? A: Yes, we most certainly can tear down and remove your play set. The play set removal process is fairly simple and starts with being informed. The physical act of tearing down and removing the play set is a service...

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