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Clean Out Foreclosed Homes

Clean Out Foreclosed Homes

Amidst the current economic climate, it won't take much channel surfing before you come across a story, or feature, where they are outlining the foreclosure market. If it's not a story on the foreclosure market, or how to clean out foreclosed homes, then you are...

Our 2013 Junk Removal Goals

Our 2013 Junk Removal Goals

January 1st, 2013 - First of all, let's start by celebrating that the Mayans were wrong! With all the 2012 programming on television, the blockbuster movie about the end of the world and the "Preppers" buying shelters more expensive than their houses, it was easy to...

How and What To Recycle in Indianapolis

How and What To Recycle in Indianapolis

Considering the time of year, and amidst a consumer driven economy, it is safe to say that we produce a large amount of waste. Now, that being said, a lot of what is waste didn’t necessarily start out as junk or trash. For example, you bought your child a big new...

Drywall Sheetrock Cleanup in Indianapolis

Drywall Sheetrock Cleanup in Indianapolis

The need for drywall sheetrock cleanup in Indianapolis often becomes clear during the planning process of any home renovation, remodeling project or tear out. Being aware that you need to get rid of drywall is not really a useful part of the planning process as it...

Remodeling Debris Disposal Indianapolis

Remodeling Debris Disposal Indianapolis

Home renovations are typically an exciting time. After all, if your household is anything like mine, then you put in a lot of planning to make this new renovation a reality and so when you finally see all that time spent budgeting and saving pay off, it is a rewarding...

Christmas Tree Removal Indianapolis

Christmas Tree Removal Indianapolis

How many of you out there have a certain number of Christmas movies you watch when it gets to be this time of year? I am definitely guilty and we here at the Fire Dawgs Junk Removal family love the Christmas spirit and definitely enjoy a certain number of movies....

Labor Services in Indianapolis

Labor Services in Indianapolis

Have you ever had a situation where you know you need something done, but you weren't sure who to call or how much you should pay? For example, you just made a purchase on Craigslist for an awesome dining room table that you finally found at a reasonable price but the...

Home Cleanouts in Indiana

Home Cleanouts in Indiana

When it comes to home cleanouts in Indiana, Fire Dawgs Junk Removal stands out as the go-to service. With their commitment to excellence and attention to detail, they tackle cluttered spaces with precision and efficiency. Whether it's clearing out an attic, basement,...

Event Cleanup Indianapolis

Event Cleanup Indianapolis

Fire Dawgs Junk Removal provides Event Cleanup Indianapolis services that customers can trust. As the premier junk removal Indianapolis service, Fire Dawgs takes pride in offering meticulous cleanup solutions tailored to events of all scales. Whether it's a lively...

Big Trash Pickup Indianapolis

Big Trash Pickup Indianapolis

Fire Dawgs Junk Removal offers an indispensable Big Trash Pickup Indianapolis services, providing hassle-free solutions for disposing of bulky items and large volumes of unwanted debris. With our commitment to professionalism and environmental responsibility, Fire...

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